
Shedding Light on the Additional Benefits of Customized Speed Signs

Radar Speed Signs  are not a new phenomenon for everyone who drives or simply a regular passenger in a car. These signs are installed as speed calmers on common roads and highways across the country to warn drivers of their speeds. Those who pay heed to them have a safer and convenient journey and those who don’t face the consequences of their wrongdoings.    Speed sings: the most effective devices to prevent fatal accidents Radar Speed Signs  that you see these days everywhere on highways, carriageways, regular roads, and even streets are the traffic calming devices that alert drivers of their speeds and detect if they go beyond the permitted speed limits. They are very effective in slowing people down and saving millions of lives every year by preventing fatal accidents.  Customized speed signs are a new approach to the same purpose  Radar Speed Signs  are of various types and these days various companies have started producing customized one...

A Concise Overview and Features of Speed Feedback Signs

Speed is one of the most prominent risk factors as far as road traffic injuries and accidents are concerned. Speed not only increases the chances of crashes but also takes the seriousness of accidents to fatal levels.  Speed Feedback Sign  has proved to be a very effective remedy to have a check upon such incidents on roads across the globe.    Driver Feedback Signs – The Traffic Calming Devices Speed Feedback Sign  or a  Radar Sign  is also known as a traffic calming device that’s used to control the speed of vehicles. These devices send feedback to drivers indicating that they are crossing the permitted speed limits. By installing these devices, various crashes can be checked or avoided. Even if such an incident takes place, with controlled speeds, the overall impact can be reduced to a large extent.   Prominent Operating Features of Speed Feedback Signs ●      Individual bitmaps can be used - such as text messag...

How to identify your speed signs

Your speed sign at the end of the road are meant to either pass information or to exercise control on the way one drives. These signs are meant to either be informative, regulatory or serve as a warning. In India, however, we have been driving without noticing most of these road signs traditionally, which is changing fast. With the usage of electronic speed signs nowadays, one cannot even get away by saying that the sign was not visible. Thus it is best to learn about these speed signs and understand their uses. Types of signs Your speed sign on the road is a way to be safe as well as for other users. The hundreds of electronic traffic signs available make it necessary to categorize them into regulatory signs that insist the driver obey the signal to be safe on the road and provide safety to others as well. The warning signs provide safety to yourself while driving, and one needs to adjust their driving according to these signs. The informative signs provide information on what t...

Radar Speed Signs — Slowing Drivers, Saving Lives

Radar speed signs  or  your speed signs  are one of the most effective and efficient devices to prevent accidents that take place due to over speeding. They are also popularly known as traffic calming devices that alert the drivers of their speeds when they drive their vehicles beyond a permitted speed limit. These devices are considered to be the best medium for responsive messaging.    Speed signs   are referred to a large variety of names that include driver feedback sign, radar signs, radar speed display, speed feedback sign, traffic calming sign, speed display board, vehicle activated sign (UK), changeable message sign, your speed sign, radar feedback sign, speed radar sign, dynamic speed display (DSDS) and variable message sign. Features and functionalities: Radar signs calm the traffic down by exhibiting the driver’s current speed and send an immediate notification of the permitted speed limits. The ultra-modern speed signs are p...

Driver Feedback Signs Explained

Driver speed signs, also called radar feedback signs, are traffic calming devices being used around the globe with the express purpose of slowing speeders down by conveying an immediate alert to them about their speed. These devices play a significant role in slowing down speeds and thus save millions of lives the world over.  Driver feedback signs :  ●         Can slow down speeds up to 80% of the time through the timely alert ●         Can be mounted on new as well as already existing structures ●         Are particularly effective in highly sensitive areas like hospitals and schools  These traffic calming devices are called by different names across the globe. Some of the names include: ●         Speed display board ●         Dynamic speed display (DSDS) ●     ...

A Concise Overview of Driver Feedback Signs

Radar speed signs, also well-known as driver feedback signs , are actually the traffic calming devices designed and developed to slow the vehicles down through an alert message about their current speed. These radar speed signs are being used across the country and the globe on a very large scale, just because they act as a very effective and efficient tool in slowing speeding drivers down. Are driver feedback signs really effective? As far as the effectiveness and efficiency of your speed sign is concerned, various tests repeatedly show that: ▪           More than 80% drivers on high speeds slow down their vehicles when alerted by a radar sign ▪           Overall conformity to the posted speed limit going up by around 30-60%. ▪           Radar speed signs are found proving their effectiveness at getting “super speeders”—driving to 40 kmph. ...